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Man arrested for cutting down KCCA trees

Working with Police, Kampala Capital city Authority (KCCA) has arrested a 52 year old man for trespassing on Authority’s land located at Dundu in Kyampisi Sub-county in Mukono.

Umar Kazanyirizi, a resident of Kyabakadde in Mukono district was arrested on Friday evening after he was found cutting down trees planted by KCCA. Kazanyirizi who is currently being held at Central Police Station (CPS) did not only cut the trees but had also started planting coffee on the land without the permission of the Authority.

The vehicle number UBE 141U which was being used to transport the logs of the cut trees was also impounded.

Police has preferred criminal trespass, material damage to property and theft charges against Kazanyirizi as he waits to be taken to court.

The 136 acre piece of land at Dundu is intended to be a waste management centre to serve the Greater Kampala. The land was bought from a local farmer and it’s completely free of squatters.

“No one is supposed to use this land without the permission of KCCA. Whoever is using it must stop or they will be arrested and prosecuted. KCCA land is a public property that needs to be protected by every individual for the good of the public,” KCCA warned in a statement Saturday.

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