December 21, 2024
Benz 2022

Parliament of Uganda has finalized a procurement process to have two new ceremonial cars for Speaker Anita Among and her deputy Thomas Tayebwa. The two cars cost Shs 2.8 Billion.

In fact, Among’s is said to have arrived in the country.

Mercedes Benz S500 L (Model 2022).

However, here is the beauty about the cars.

Experts say that the ca can detect whether the Principal is experiencing a heart functioning failure and administer special oxygen that can last for two hours.

Secondly, the car detects the enemy in the radius of 20 kilometers. It also allows the driver not to give lifts to anybody except the Principal.

Finally, the car is said to detect poison.

The armored cars are Mercedes Benz S500 L (Model 2022) and its final unit is expected to be delivered this month.

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