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Top Police boss sucked into Kira land grab sagas, dragged to court

By Davis Mugabi

The Regional Police Commander – RPC – Kampala Metropolitan Police East (KMP/East), Anatoli Katungwesi, has slowly been sucked into land grab sagas in Kira Municipality, Wakiso district. The prime land legally belongs to Yusuf Ssemakula. However, over the years, the land has caught the eyes of grabbers. Security and court records profile Winnie Tugume among others as top land grabbers in the area. Tugume has ever attempted her luck on the said piece of land.

One of the prominent and prime pieces of land that has been in the sight of grabbers is that comprising Block 185, Plot 385 at Kito – Namugongo.

The second prime land is at Kyadondo Block 222 Plots 1770, 1771, 1774, 1910, 3912, 3913, 3914, 3915 and 3916 at Namugongo, and another on Plot 206. Well-placed sources say they (Plots) were recently bought by Semakula. However, grabbers remain chasing it with claim that they have a stake in them. Sources note that the land grab cartel has been working very closely with the RPC/East – Katungwesi.

Court recently pronounced itself on the matter. The decision (of the court) was implemented by both the Criminal Investigations Directorate and the Land Police Protection Unit.

However, the RPC continues to defy his bosses on the matter.

Now, the latest the Kampala Gazette has is that he has been dragged to court (as an individual).

“..Should you fail to file a Defense on or before the date mentioned, the plaintiff may proceed with the suit and judgment may be given in your absence.

Through his lawyers of MBS Advocates, Semakula wants court to pronounce itself on the matter, declaring him as a bonafide purchaser of land contained at Kyadondo Block 222 Plots 1770, 1771, 1774, 1910, 3912, 3913, 3914, 3915 and 3916 at Namugongo.

He also wants a general damage of Shs 350 million.

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