Sheikh Shaban Ramadhan Mubaje, the Mufti of Uganda has delivered a key note address at the World Muslim Conference organized by the US based Alliance of Inclusive Muslims.
The conference took place at Pridel Inn Paradise Hotel in the Kenyan Coastal City of Mombasa under the theme “Charting of Action Towards Realizing Freedom of Religion & Women’s Rights in Muslim Societies”.
In his paper titled “Aligning the Qadhi Courts with Women’s Rights – Affirming Standards and Norms”, delivered on his behalf by Hon. Muhammad Ali Aluma, the UMSC Secretary for Social Services, Sheikh Mubaje reminded the delegates that the Islamic creed promotes human rights in general and particularly to female citizens under Islamic governance.
He said Islam caters for the rights of women especially in terms of maintaining their elevated status as mothers, the right to education, acquisition of wealth, property and inheritance.
The paper also detailed the prevailing situation concerning Women’s Rights in Uganda. He explained that Qadhi Courts are well stipulated under Article 129 1(d) of the Constitution of Uganda with specific focus on Muslim marriage, divorce, inheritance and guardianship of children. Despite this, Sheikh Mubaje noted that parliament is yet to enact enabling laws to operationalize the constitutional provisions.
He revealed that Uganda Muslim Supreme Council- UMSC through the Directorate of Sharia working in collaboration with the Judicial System are so far providing services in line with the provisions.
The delegates also discussed on other papers key among them, Violent Extremism and condemned the recent twin bomb blasts in Kampala.
They also passed and adopted a resolution that aims at setting up a project titled” Imaam For She” that will train and empower Imams with relevant skills to promote and protect Women’s rights in their communities.
At the end of conference, delegates elected a Board of Executives as follows;
President – Ms. Ulfat Masibo (Kenya)
Vice President – Mr. Muhamad Ali Aluma (Uganda)
Secretary – Ms. Sherine Elbanhawy (Canada/Egypt)Deputy
Secretary – Ms. Kelsey Hatchitt (USA/Malaysia)
Treasurer – Ms. Ani Zonneveld (USA)
Global Director #ImamsForShe – Imam Khalfan Elie Bukuru (Burundi)
Global Director Sexual, Reproductive & Health Rights – Mr. Kassoum Coulibaly (Mali)
Global Director of Family Law Reform – Ms. Mwanga Mastullah Ashah (Uganda)
Board Members – Ms. Odette Yilmaz (Germany) and Mr. Frej Fenniche (Switzerland)